
蝴蝶與蟻的剛毅 (19 JAN 2011)

他墨蘭常喜歡向他的朋友述說早年的佚事。他說:“我有一次被仇敵追逼,不得已藏在一所破屋中,我在那裏獨自枯坐了幾個鐘頭。那時萬念俱灰,再也沒有志氣和勇敢去幹前面的事業了。在絕望中我看見一隻小小的螞蟻,背著一粒比它大數倍的殼,盡力向牆上拖走。它跌下來多次,但是每一次它仍舊努力向上。我曾數過它跌下來了六十九次,可是它並不灰心氣餒,第七十次它到達了高牆的頂上。那時我得了興奮,我終身不能遺忘這個教訓。——譯自《君王的佚事》---來自19 JAN 2011 荒漠甘泉





2 則留言:

  1. We often say to ourselves, “we work so hard but end up with nothing. How many times we have tried? Why we cannot get over it? What should we do to win and succeed?......”

    Then, after reading the above, I have to remind myself, “have we done our best? Are we really working hard enough? Have we tried enough to get to it or just give it up too early? How much we prepare for our mission and dream?... or we just think we are always in best luck to get what we want....

    To succeed and to mature takes up energy, time and our commitment. It includes our sweat, our endeavours, our attempts, our work, our struggle, our failure, our pain and tears. Sometimes, the journey is not simple and easy as we think in the beginning. However, as long as we have our mission clear, right and firm, we go for it at all cost.

    Well, maybe, it asks for too much and takes too much for us to explore and continue further. Life in Lord Jesus Christ is not easy, simple and straightforward at all. The vision and mission of Jesus is clear and affirmative i.e. Jesus comes to the world to save the whole world from the darkness to the light of God in eternity.

    Our understanding and scope for working hard is different from those as required in the Kingdom of Heaven. We may under-estimate what it should take and expect other route to the destination. The route may be wrong or leading to the place of deviation.

    According to Apostle Peter, God tells us to lead the godly life with the life quality of Lord Jesus. To get this, we must work hard and follow the life example of Lord Jesus Christ. Then, we would enjoy our life abundantly in God together.

    彼 得 後 書 2 Peter

    1:5 So, for this very cause, take every care; joining virtue to faith, and knowledge to virtue,
    1:6 And self-control to knowledge, and a quiet mind to self-control, and fear of God to a quiet mind,
    1:7 And love of the brothers to fear of God, and to love of the brothers, love itself.
    1:8 For if you have these things in good measure, they will make you fertile and full of fruit in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.


  2. 或者是雙向,一方面深信上帝必成全善工,另一方面人要加上再加上的竭力的尋求與上帝同工。

