

約17 : 21 使他們都合而為一。正如父你在我裏面,我在你裏面,使他們也在我們裏面,好讓世人信是你差我來的。

啓3 : 21 得勝的,我要賜他在我寶座上與我同坐,就如我得了勝,在我父的寶座上與他同坐一般。





「第十一章 愛慕耶穌十字架者為數極少」



然而從「奴僕的信」是效主作忠僕,漸次有「兒子的信」体會天父的慈愛;當主說:「你們若遵行我所吩咐的,就是我的朋友了。 」約15:14 ,那么又進入「朋友的信」,當主說得勝的一同坐席,又是「得勝的信」

在世我們有苦難,每人都面對肉身的病痛,攻克己身自然又会受死己之痛、生離死別,但信主者在任何境況中有主同行,完全交託,主說「 凡勞苦擔重擔的人可以到我這裡來,我就使你們得安息。」 (太 11:28)「因為我的軛是容易的,我的擔子是輕省的。」 (太11:30)苦難的+字架背後是榮耀、復活大能、得勝的主。

(另,幻想:合上眼,打開書,書中發出金光,頁中的光变成金色的十字架,原來是「效法基督」「第十一章 愛慕耶穌十字架者為數極少」看此文久又得另一頁「靈歷指引」.54-55互相呼應:魂與神同享主筵,就是我的,我是主的...(內中有一句經文:約17.21))

2 則留言:

  1. 路 加 福 音 Luke

    9:22 Saying, The Son of man will undergo much and be put on one side by the rulers and the chief priests and the teachers of the law, and be put to death, and on the third day he will come back to life.
    9:23 And he said to them all, If any man has a desire to come after me, let him give up all, and take up his cross every day, and come after me.

    9:22 又 說 、 人 子 必 須 受 許 多 的 苦 、 被 長 老 、 祭 司 長 和 文 士 棄 絕 、 並 且 被 殺 、 第 三 日 復 活 。
    9:23 耶 穌 又 對 眾 人 說 、 若 有 人 要 跟 從 我 、 就 當 捨 己 、 天 天 背 起 他 的 十 字 架 來 、 跟 從 我 .

    Lord Jesus reminds us to follow Him on the path of the Cross. Take up the cross of ourselves and follow Him, like what He did, closely, without looking back and reservation of self.

    Now, the challenge for us is: how much we are willing to understand what the Cross means in God and how far we wish and willing to take, carry and bear in the journey of Cross?

    After all, if the Cross is light weight, golden with no hassle and bustle, should we carry it, wear it and show it without hesitation? Or if the Cross is heavy weight, wooden with suffering and prosecution like Lord Jesus, we would go for the alternative journey of the Cross we prefer, make and pursue.....

    If we open our eyes and go through the whole Bible, it shows many splendid and great stories of the Cross carried by godly people such as Godly Prophet Moses, King David, Prophet Jeremiah, Apostle Paul, etc. What kind of life story they tell us? A wooden Cross or golden Cross for their life on the earth.

    Finally, we do not have Cross in the Heaven. We only have throne of God to share with the glory, victory and power of the God in the eternity of Kingdom of Heaven.

    Halleluiah. Praise to the Lord, King of Kings, Lord of Lords.

    May our loving God help us, teach us and encourage us to follow Him, taking the life example of the Cross like Lord Jesus Christ. In the measurement of the Cross, we are so little, poor and inadequate, falling far behind and away from the Lord of the Cross. Amen.

    Can we comment and judge the other for bearing of Cross? We can encourage with one another. In term of Cross, only God can make judgement and give the reward of life to the winner and faithful followers in Him.


  2. 真是不知怎樣回應。



    另又要門徒自己背自己的+字架,才配作主的門徒。(太:10:38, 路:14:27)各人的+字架都不同。門徒的
