





2 則留言:

  1. When we are in the midst of disaster, flooded with wounds, sufferings, pains, sadness, hopeless and helpless, we see no light and no way out. We consider day is no longer belonged to us and all remains like in the darkness. Then, we should remember as the children of God and the faithful follower of Lord Jesus Christ as assured by Apostle Paul:

    We have everlasting relationship in peace with our Father God and Lord Jesus Christ.
    We have eternal life that never ends.
    We have amazing grace that comes in from the Almighty God more than our expectation.
    We have salvation from all the desperate difficulties and darkness even though we are in the stage of trial and ordeals.
    We have glory of hope in future.
    We have strong and rich life mature with abundant fruits in Holy Spirit after.
    We have full love from the God without shame in our hearts.

    羅 馬 書 Romans

    5:1 For which reason, because we have righteousness through faith, let us be at peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ;

    5:2 Through whom, in the same way, we have been able by faith to come to this grace in which we now are; and let us have joy in hope of the glory of God.

    5:3 And not only so, but let us have joy in our troubles: in the knowledge that trouble gives us the power of waiting;

    5:4 And waiting gives experience; and experience, hope:

    5:5 And hope does not put to shame; because our hearts are full of the love of God through the Holy Spirit which is given to us.

    5:1 我 們 既 因 信 稱 義 、 就 藉 著 我 們 的 主 耶 穌 基 督 、 得 與 神 相 和 。

    5:2 我 們 又 藉 著 他 、 因 信 得 進 入 現 在 所 站 的 這 恩 典 中 、 並 且 歡 歡 喜 喜 盼 望 神 的 榮 耀 。

    5:3 不 但 如 此 、 就 是 在 患 難 中 、 也 是 歡 歡 喜 喜 的 . 因 為 知 道 患 難 生 忍 耐 .

    5:4 忍 耐 生 老 練 . 老 練 生 盼 望 .

    5:5 盼 望 不 至 於 羞 恥 . 因 為 所 賜 給 我 們 的 聖 靈 、 將 神 的 愛 澆 灌 在 我 們 心 裡 。

    May our loving God bless all of you with His Forever Love, Amazing Grace and Abundant Provision in your life journey no matter what you are facing right now.


  2. 剛聽了一段雅各書1章,與羅馬書5章1-5節相似。
    1:2 你們落在百般試煉中,都要以為大喜樂;
    1:3 因為知道你們的信心經過試驗,就生忍耐。
    1:4 但忍耐也當成功,使你們成全完備,毫無缺欠。




    主說: 哀恸的人有福了,因为他们必得安慰。

