
不要驚動、不要叫醒我所親愛的,等他自己情願 (雅歌)






2 則留言:

  1. Till He Please

    Song of Solomon雅歌
    2:7 I charge you, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, by the roes, and by the hinds of the field, that ye stir not up, nor awake my love, till he please.
    2:7 耶 路 撒 冷 的 眾 女 子 阿 、 我 指 著 羚 羊 、 或 田 野 的 母 鹿 、 囑 咐 你 們 、 不 要 驚 動 、 不 要 叫 醒 我 所 親 愛 的 、 等 他 自 己 情 願 。 〔 不 要 叫 醒 云 云 或 作 不 要 激 動 愛 情 等 他 自 發 〕

    When we think of romance in love, we always focus on what we feel and like... When we have the feel, we know this is the one we like and love.....

    So, nowadays, a lot of relationship fails and terminates with saying, “we must say good-bye now as I do not have the feel with you anymore..... or you are already out of my mind....”

    When we have an open mind to review and think about how our God loves us, the loving God always cares and stands by our side no matter who we are, what we do and where we goes. He knows what we are working, thinking and acting, but, the God does not stir us up or awake us till we please in our prescribed life journey. He sees, He knows, He cares but not stirs, not awake, just waiting till we respond in pleasure. He may give us lots of reminder in quiet manner till we become awake....

    True love stems from inside heart naturally, not under induced influence or pressure with manipulated intention. We may like to use lots of tactics or materialistic favours to gain the attraction of others, like trapping a bird with a carrot into a cage set up by our wisdom. No, the God does not do that but prepare all the best for the love one to respond naturally, freely and pleasantly in the heart.

    True love does not exist in force, pressure or compulsory choice. We cannot force anyone to love us in heart. That is why money can buy beautiful house and car, but we cannot buy true love from anyone....

    By the same token, the loving God likes to love us truly with perfect love. Where does true and perfect love comes from? From Bible, we know true love comes from God as the God is love of truth, life and eternity.

    約 翰 一 書 1 John
    4:16 And we have seen and had faith in the love which God has for us. God is love, and everyone who has love is in God, and God is in him.

    4:17 In this way love is made complete in us, so that we may be without fear on the day of judging, because as he is, so are we in this world.

    4:16 神 愛 我 們 的 心 、 我 們 也 知 道 也 信 。 神 就 是 愛 . 住 在 愛 裡 面 的 、 就 是 住 在 神 裡 面 、 神 也 住 在 他 裡 面 。

    4:17 這 樣 、 愛 在 我 們 裡 面 得 以 完 全 、 我 們 就 可 以 在 審 判 的 日 子 、 坦 然 無 懼 . 因 為 他 如 何 、 我 們 在 這 世 上 也 如 何 。

    Love is free and natural
    Love waits till he please
    Love does not stir up
    Love does not awake
    Love does not ask roes or hinds
    Love comes till he please
    Love makes us please in heart
    Love unites together in one


  2. 「有愛的團体人不願意離開。」相信這个愛個團体会很大。
