
SUM OF CHOICES人生抉擇的總和(2)

"於是,他按心中的純正牧養他們;用手中的巧妙引導他們。"〔詩78: 72)

當前路不明時,就當將判斷讓給聖靈,求祂封鎖每一扇別的門戶 只剩下那扇合宜的。 同時當繼續站原來的地位上不動,如果沒有得到清楚的指示,就當把所在的路徑算為神的旨意....當在懸崖/懸垂的樹枝上/長廊行走的時,就要看見上帝行在你的前面,封鎖了許多你願意進去的門戶;但是必須記得:在這些門戶以外,還有一扇,是祂為你的緣故留著不鎖的。 打開來,走進去,在那裡你要面對面看見一道充滿機會的河流。



2 則留言:

  1. TIME is a concept, LIFE and asset.

    No one has any more or less time than anyone else.

    Making time VALUABLE is a CHOICE we make

    Every second, every minutes, every day and every year.

    This is the poem which I attach to the wall next to my work desk, reminding me every day how I am going to spend a day now till the end of my day.

    In term of time, we are equal for our life span, because we all live under the same sun in the day and under the same moon in a night....

    In term of choice, we are also equal as it is all up to every one of us to make our own choice, though some people argue that I have NO CHOICE for my own life. But, in God love, surely and promisingly, we always have our CHOICE of eternity in life.

    In term of asset, we are just the same as we have the same blessing and dwelling in Heaven as provided by the God for all those believing and loving Him.

    In term of concept, we are no difference as all true concept are stated clearly in the Bible, the words of God, who will not change once promise it.

    Today, how do you want to make your own good CHOICE in love, wisdom and truth of God?


  2. 每一言一行一抉擇都影响著人生總和的評分。當下與日後仍在被加與減分之中。
