

27 JUNE 2010 退修後坐一架巴士回家,巴士坐滿了人,故有位坐都會值得感恩,但因無法選擇坐位,坐位旁的窗口是網著了廣告,側面是另一位乘客講电話,車前的坐位是廣告,車頂是廣告,面前是一個电視機,因此被迫望著前面的电視機。





1 則留言:

  1. It is too amazing to see how a person can recall the visual memory and convert it into two dimension graphic. If we have a digital camera, can we ask the digital camera to do this for us. I think it still requires lots of hardware and software to help it. Can a computer hold a pencil like Steven? Can a computer draw a free hand sketch like a human?....

    Even though Steven has super power of brain, Steven is not perfect in many other ways. Well, from him, I know human is not perfect. We may be perfect in one area, but it surely cannot apply to all the rest. Human has so much good quality and attributes of life in built by the Creator of no limitation, everlasting and almighty.

    I do not attempt to compare myself with Steven. But, I believe there are many good quality which I may not have discover myself. I may have complaint and look down to myself too much and forget what have been given to me in good ways for my whole life. We are so easy to overlook the good things and too much overwhelm with bad things, especially when we are so unhappy and discontented with our life.

    We would like to go for alternative ways to find the best. But, the way may not be right and good. Like some people when they are poor, they would like to get the things or advantages they want without permission or beyond the rules.

    Do we appreciate the beauty and wisdom of creation by the God? How the God create such a brain to do that? Perhaps, all these questions are much and far beyond the understanding of human beings. We have to admit that human is limited as compared with the power of “brain” of the God. If we wish to challenge the wisdom of God and why God does not work in our mind and ways, we need to remind ourselves how much we can understand, interpret and discover the acts, will and plan of the God in His Glory of Almighty.

    As far as I know, it is not that important to be the most powerful person in the world. It is most important for everyone to lead their limited life fully to their best as provided by the God, tailored specifically for you in the best ways in the view, eyes and wisdom of the loving God.

    彌 迦 書 Micah
    6:8 世 人 哪 、 耶 和 華 已 指 示 你 何 為 善 。 他 向 你 所 要 的 是 甚 麼 呢 。 只 要 你 行 公 義 、 好 憐 憫 、 存 謙 卑 的 心 、 與 你 的   神 同 行 。

    提 摩 太 前 書 1 Timothy
    4:12 不 可 叫 人 小 看 你 年 輕 . 總 要 在 言 語 、 行 為 、 愛 心 、 信 心 、 清 潔 上 . 都 作 信 徒 的 榜 樣 。

    羅 馬 書 Romans
    羅 2:11 神 不 偏 待 人 。

