





傳5:12 勞碌的人不拘吃多吃少,睡得香甜;富足人的豐滿卻不容他睡覺。
傳5:13 我見日光之下有一宗大禍患,就是財主積存資財,反害自己。



2 則留言:

  1. I remember I met a boss who is working on the same working formulae i.e 7 days a week and 24 hours a day non-stop. He thinks all time is used for earning money. More than that, if you guarantee he can earn money for that business opportunity, he said, “I can do anything for you, no matter how difficult and disgusting the task is...” However, his life philosophy is not only applied to himself, he likes to apply to all people working under him. Because of that, I quitted my job due to his expectation. At that point in time, I said to myself, “I see no point to sell my whole life in return for money from him. My life is not just here for the money. We need money to survive this day but, money cannot buy back the life.”

    On the day of resignation, I clearly told myself in front of God that life is not for the money. Life does not equals with money. “No money no life” is totally non-sense and fatal attraction for money-lovers and money-followers.

    Unfortunately, the world is driving towards money and goes money-driven in all levels of life. Yesterday, my colleague, a qualified accountant having expertise in handling and managing money, comments China government is not good enough because China is so rich that why they do not share and distribute all wealth they earn from the world to all poor people in their country. Then, I challenge him, saying, “Look. Do you see all over world, the rich becomes more rich and the poor becomes more poor? Can you tell me anywhere in the world which works in the opposite ways i.e. the poorer become rich whereas the richer become the poor.” The loving God, Jesus Christ, tells us, this can happen in the Kingdom of Heaven in God’s Family i.e.

    路 加 福 音 Luke
    6:20 耶 穌 舉 目 看 著 門 徒 說 、 你 們 貧 窮 的 人 有 福 了 . 因 為   神 的 國 是 你 們 的 。
    6:21 你 們 飢 餓 的 人 有 福 了 . 因 為 你 們 將 要 飽 足 。 你 們 哀 哭 的 人 有 福 了 . 因 為 你 們 將 要 喜 笑 。
    6:24 但 你 們 富 足 的 人 有 禍 了 . 因 為 你 們 受 過 你 們 的 安 慰 。
    6:25 你 們 飽 足 的 人 有 禍 了 . 因 為 你 們 將 要 飢 餓 。 你 們 喜 笑 的 人 有 禍 了 . 因 為 你 們 將 要 哀 慟 哭 泣 。

    Money is surely not life. We know we need money to buy food to support our daily life. If we focus only on money, we are going to lose our life very soon. Money consumes life. Money does not have any value if we are dead. Can any dead people need any money or use any money or enjoy with any money in their hands? For dead people or people with no life, money is worth nothing, means nothing and do nothing for them. Money cannot buy back their good health and return their life, once died.

    Therefore, in James, it says,

    雅 各 書 James
    1:9 卑 微 的 弟 兄 升 高 、 就 該 喜 樂 .
    1:10 富 足 的 降 卑 、 也 該 如 此 . 因 為 他 必 要 過 去 、 如 同 草 上 的 花 一 樣 .
    1:11 太 陽 出 來 、 熱 風 颳 起 、 草 就 枯 乾 、 花 也 凋 謝 、 美 容 就 消 沒 了 . 那 富 足 的 人 、 在 他 所 行 的 事 上 、 也 要 這 樣 衰 殘 。
    4:13 嗐 、 你 們 有 話 說 、 今 天 明 天 我 們 要 往 某 城 裡 去 、 在 那 裡 住 一 年 、 作 買 賣 得 利 .
    4:14 其 實 明 天 如 何 、 你 們 還 不 知 道 。 你 們 的 生 命 是 甚 麼 呢 . 你 們 原 來 是 一 片 雲 霧 、 出 現 少 時 就 不 見 了 。
    4:15 你 們 只 當 說 、 主 若 願 意 、 我 們 就 可 以 活 著 、 也 可 以 作 這 事 、 或 作 那 事 。
    4:16 現 今 你 們 竟 以 張 狂 誇 口 . 凡 這 樣 誇 口 都 是 惡 的 。

    Our life on earth is too short. Our life and existence is not decided and determined only by us. Our life is in the hands of the God. God is the Lord of life.

    If we are rich, it is totally grace and blessings. Then, we should know how we make use of what we get in rich from God to glorify the Lord in our life. Money is not our dream. Our dream of life should only be eternal life in Heaven because, one day, there will be a day of tomorrow not belonging to us, when we say our last farewell to all family and friends on earth.

    We know we have eternal life because we believe in Jesus Christ, who is the life of God.


  2. 現實中,當然有很多不同的情况,為環境所迫,不能盡列。

    假若要說,旣無一技旁身,無錢又無才,每小時賺取只能是最低工資HK$20已是自己的極限,又或加班12小時的才緊得糊口,數條化骨龍,很多的COST CENTRE,PROFIT CENTRE 得一個,上有高堂下有妻兒手就得一對,亞仔要留學.......。

