




最後,今天晚上8.30裝修老板與我,以和氣結束這"PROJECT"。看見老板親自裝一度實心重門,非常努力:用盡全身的力,咬實牙根牽動面容去每一分每一分的摟動一支"螺絲批"(screw driver),出了一身汗,令人感動。(老板說:喝了一杯啤洒,現在無了一半。)


昨天我亦親自換了電視櫃的櫃腳,原來電視櫃的膠腳在入倉時損毁了,所以換以4隻金屬櫃腳代替,以人手操作"螺絲批"(screw driver)心手也發痛,並出一身汗(所以我体会裝修老板摟動"螺絲批"吃力的苦况)。既然櫃腳也可以換掉,便有換SOFA的金屬腳的想法,然而SOFA的金屬腳實在太大及太特別,所以行遍附近的五金鋪也無法可替換此腳;只有請教親友,問如何處理一些氧化的金屬腳?答案是用大型號80-100的粗砂砂紙打磨,再噴噴漆。


3 則留言:

  1. I remember about one year ago I have talked about my home. What is my home and how it should look like?

    One year later, congratulate you have renovated your home after lots of your effort and planning, and your dream home comes true in God grace. From now on, you have a new home to live in for many years to come. Then, what does your home look like in my mind? Perhaps, I hope I would have opportunity to enjoy your new home when chance comes. I remember many years ago I paid visit to your previous old home which has gone in time and changed a new face for me to see again.

    Can a new home become our home? We always look at things from self perspective. That is reasonable and true because self always comes first in inherit nature of our life. Even now, I find myself difficult and hard to put self down in priority of others. “Put down self and give way to others” is a simple and easy statement and hard to practise in reality of life.


    Perhaps, my last reflection on my home is too narrow and too limited to “ME” and “MYSELF”. Do we know that no one can live by oneself alone? We may disagree because I am 100% bachelor and full adult. Why not I become independent with myself? No. We cannot survive with just only oneself. 100% self is absolute loneliness and blind to the external world into inner world of self. If the whole world belongs to me but there is only one person in existence, i.e. absolute ME alone, MY WORLD will be totally self centre and driven which has no future anymore, because, don’t forget, even if we own the whole world by ourselves, one last day will come which is not belonged to us anymore ..... Then, the whole world will be gone....

    I hope my home is always our home. It is not just for myself to enjoy. It is shared with others in love. They are our family, friends, brothers and sisters in God. Then, what is our home look like?

    Our home is a sweet place of love
    Our home does not focus on beauty
    Our home treasures relationship
    Our home does not talk on money
    Our home encourages sharing
    Our home values life, happiness, and peace
    Our home lets go all bitterness, jealousy and aggressiveness
    Our home may not look gorgeous
    Our home is always warm and soft by heart
    Our home is freely open and not tightly closed
    Our home is equal and generous to everyone
    Our home neglects all class and forget background
    Our home tastes the fruits of life in God together
    Our home does not belong to us but provided by God
    We are the steward of our home.
    The loving God is the true owner of our home.

    The destination of our perfect home is not here.
    We are looking forward to our eternal home in heaven.
    We hope all of us are there with God in eternity.

    Congratulation to your new home in the grace and love of the God.
    May God bless you and your family together in our home.....

    3:32 And a great number were seated round him; and they said to him, See, your mother and your brothers are outside looking for you.
    3:33 And he said in answer, Who are my mother and my brothers?
    3:34 And looking round at those who were seated about him, he said, See, my mother and my brothers!
    3:35 Whoever does God's pleasure, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.


  2. 每人都渴望回家,若你不想回家請你找牧師/朋友傾談,背後必定有一個故事。



    人一生所賺取的可能亦為一個家/( )。他是獨特的,自我的也是分享的。


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