


心事 - 素黑 - 素黑振頻 (2011年07月04日)



詩37.1 不要為作惡的心懷不平,也不要向那行不義的生出嫉妒。


太5:47 你們若單請你弟兄的安,比人有甚麼長處呢?就是外邦人不也是這樣行麼?
太5:48 所以,你們要完全,像你們的天父完全一樣。」



2 則留言:

  1. Recently, I have got a very bad and tough time with our team. Two senior team members join together to attack me publicly in a team meeting. The blame has no basis but they just step on me for foolishness and humiliation. What they say is to make others consider me irresponsible, careless, inconsiderate and unprofessional to the tasks...... Obviously, I feel very angry and upset. However, in the grace and mercy of the God, I was calm down in front of the Lord and seek no further argument face to face in the meeting. I have done my part and they do nothing for their own, but, they can make unreasonable and aggressive accusation for others for “non-proven and unjustified” errors or non-conformance in their own view of unfairness and subjective bias. That is part of real life examples in workplace environment in some difficult cases.

    Then, the loving God reminds me and encourages me with the life example of Lord Jesus when He determines to go forwards the path of the Cross as guided by the Father God. What Lord Jesus sacrifices, suffers and endures up to the dead is all out of His greatest love for us. He always remains quiet, silent, passive and submissive to all ordeals and attacks. For Him, all attacks come directly to Him and onto Him as they are. He does not go away or avoid but just to face it, right face to face, without reservation. Why, Lord Jesus, do not do anything, say anything, or even turn away from all attacks, both physically (externally) and mentally (internally), He gets from His enemies. In simple words, Lord Jesus takes it all, completely all for the full cup of curse for us in sin and death.

    If I look at myself with the situation and suffering and ordeals that have laid in front of Lord Jesus, I must say and remind myself, “What I face and suffer is nothing as compared with Lord Jesus in His journey of the Cross....”

    Now, I read a very inspiring article from Arthur with encouragement from the life example of Watchman Nee. In our life, we may meet others in very difficult situation with very stingy, bitter, sour, and friction relationship. All these hurt us and disappoint us very much deep in our fragile and collapsing heart. We feel so bad and sad that we cannot even sleep well, think well and live well. We struggle with dark mind and hatred heart for revenge and fight back for victory of our own. But, do you know that we are also unable to see clearly ourselves and be blind to see our own mistakes at the same time? One thing I find I am lost and wrong in the process of confrontation is lacking of God love to respond in godly ways and at the same time, do not recognise, admit and accept the mistake I also commit into throughout the relationship fighting. I also forget, “I am human and I am weak and so, I can make mistakes too in the same situation......” I am not humble, modest and pure enough in my heart to see the imperfect true self of my own... I can judge others easily but I am unable to judge myself in fair and righteous manner.

    Today, I learn to practise the God’s love. Instead of complaining and grumbling in heart, I share a yummy walnut cake during the morning tea time with the team by handing and distributing the cake to team face to face, one by one in smile. They ask, “Any good reason to share the delicious cake with us. Is it your birthday?” My gentle and happy reply simply is, “I just wish you to have a good day for today. Please enjoy it.”

    If we have struggles in relationship either in your home, or workplace or other places, please calm down yourself, seek the life reflection inside your heart and soul in the love, grace and mercy of the loving God. I am sure the God will tell you the true answer and give you the positive and hopeful ways out....


  2. Silence, calmness and patience.

    彼前3:9 不以惡報惡,以辱罵還辱罵,倒要祝福;因你們是為此蒙召,好叫你們承受福氣。 Do not return evil for evil or reviling for reviling; but on the contrary bless, for to this you have been called, that you may obtain a blessing.
    彼前3:10 因為經上說:人若愛生命,願享美福,須要禁止舌頭不出惡言,嘴唇不說詭詐的話; For "He that would love life and see good days, let him keep his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking guile;
    彼前3:11 也要離惡行善,尋求和睦,一心追趕。 let him turn away from evil and do right; let him seek peace and pursue it.

