
妹妹脫離了FACEBOOK社羣。 31 MAY 2010






對於她解釋說是BOYCOTT FACEBOOK行動,或有其他原因。




3 則留言:

  1. I remind the people that using Facebook or similar media is for public use and we must consider how sensitive and fragile it is relating to protection of personal information or privacy issues. Moreover, think carefully, on top of what we communicate digitally through other media, such as mobile phones, emails, blogs, SMS, iphones, ipads, mobile internet, mobile news, ICQ, MSN, video conferencing, google alerts, virus updates, software updates, marketing updates, weather updates, songs updates, music updates, video updates, cinema updates, movies updates, idols updates, sport updates, food updates, shopping updates, health updates, discount updates, sales updates, activities updates...... I think I am still not good enough and knowledgeable to finish the endless list of virtual updates......

    We have to ask and review ourselves very carefully and honestly how we do and manage our time in term of communication, acceptance of information and data, spending our limited time, resources and energy in the wisely ways. If we go to do everything as mentioned above, how much time of life we have wasted in term of the value of abundant life as offered by the loving God to us. Time of life is limited. Everyday is a countdown for our limited life on earth. So, it is too valuable and precious for us to lose it every second, every minute, every week, every month and every year in the end.

    Facebook is going to become more attractive, appealing, charming in the eyes of people and sales promotion in this secular world. But, do we know that it can become our fatal attraction if we involve into it without control, management and not use it safely as a public communication tool.

    After due consideration and my limited time for digital communication, now, what I get is outdated, traditional and totally out of fashion from the eyes of telecommunication experts. What I use right now is just: simple emails, pure mobile phone and a limited personal blog for public sharing with the web community.

    As a reminder for myself, I have to be careful to control my time and energy in using digital communication in the virtual world. I cannot overlook and forget my physical world of reality. Do we understand and follow what our living God reminds us:

    哥 林 多 前 書 1 Corinthians

    6:12 I am free to do all things; but not all things are wise. I am free to do all things; but I will not let myself come under the power of any.
    6:12 凡 事 我 都 可 行 . 但 不 都 有 益 處 。 凡 事 我 都 可 行 、 但 無 論 那 一 件 、 我 總 不 受 他 的 轄 制 。


  2. 我都有同感,未看完你所說的,心裏便有此句: 凡 事 我 都 可 行 . 但 不 都 有 益 處 。


  3. 林前10:23 凡事都可行,但不都有益處。凡事都可行,但不都造就人。
    林前10:24 無論何人,不要求自己的益處,乃要求別人的益處。
    林前10:13 你們所遇見的試探,無非是人所能受的。 神是信實的,必不叫你們受試探過於所能受的。在受試探的時候,總要給你們開一條出路,叫你們能忍受得住。
    林前10:33 就好像我凡事都叫眾人喜歡,不求自己的益處,只求眾人的益處,叫他們得救。

