昨晚我思想一單紅+字會的捐項,在我看來這項目與別的相比,是不值得的,故不想捐,還暗暗開了个盤給老頂爺,假如是case A出現,便捐。今天case A果然出現,幸兒無下一個大注碼。
21 MAY早上引用以弗所書的屬靈軍裝禱告:
及弗6:18 靠著聖靈,隨時多方禱告祈求,並要在此警醒不倦,為眾聖徒祈求。因查弗6:18 時又看到11-17節。
隔天又在城浸的每日查經看到弗6:10-24 像神家庭裏的士兵那樣去行。
珥 2:13 你們要撕裂心腸,不撕裂衣服。歸向耶和華─你們的神;因為他有恩典,有憐憫,不輕易發怒,有豐盛的慈愛,並且後悔不降所說的災。
(但查考林前5.9-13, 保羅的教導是很嚴癘的。)
When we lose our best love, we feel tearing pain in love. This is what we learn from lots of romantic novels or poems in literature.
回覆刪除Perhaps, if we say the loving God, our life shepherd and saviour, also tears the heart with deepest pain when we are blind ourselves totally in sin and die in sinful life of total darkness without return, is also totally incomprehensible and unbelievable.
The sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross tells us this clearly how deepest, greatest and unbound love He gives to us, much more than our comprehension, with His total sacrifice of life, is also far from our understanding and acceptance in our daily life... So, it tells us why so many people rejects Lord Jesus and treat this a simple story like a novel.
What happens nowadays for the salvation love in God repeats the same history in the past – we don’t understand, we don’t accept and even find the greatest and deepest love of God a matter of nuisance. It is too simple and cheap to tell and share in such a way.... We need solid evidences and materials to get into it, like a Godly miraculous act and incidence on ourselves or immediate benefits that we gain and enjoy or Godly appearance in front of us as a idol or doll....
The understanding between God and Human is very wide and greatly different in term of our limits of wisdom. God has revealed all His blessings and existence and beings to us in His words as recorded in the Bible. However, how much we listen to, get into and commit to is another question...
We say we understand what it means in life, what we do and where we go to, however, we are in fact, in the eyes of the God, waste lots of time in doing something which cannot last and will disappear once we die. Then, we may say, death is the consequence and natural ending for everybody in our life on earth. But, have we paid attention to the God’s salvation as proclaimed by Lord Jesus:
約 翰 福 音 John
11:25 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live even if he dies, 11:26 and the one who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?”
11:25 耶 穌 對 他 說 、 復 活 在 我 、 生 命 也 在 我 . 信 我 的 人 、 雖 然 死 了 、 也 必 復 活 .
11:26 凡 活 著 信 我 的 人 、 必 永 遠 不 死 。 你 信 這 話 麼 。
No matter what we think, I recommend and believe there is eternal life available and offered to us by the loving God. Do we want to take it through repentance in love of Jesus or forget and neglect it because it is not our cup of tea in our limited understanding what life is all about.
The dramatic act of tearing the garment is in intense form of sharp sound, motion and image.
回覆刪除The main point is the substance over form.
Tearing of the heart is a very deep feeling that cannot be pretended.