
大山可以挪開,小山可以遷移;但我的慈愛必不離開你,我平安的約也不遷移。( 賽54:10 )


賽54:10 大山可以挪開,小山可以遷移;但我的慈愛必不離開你,我平安的約也不遷移。”這是憐恤你的耶和華說的。



我與F討論過這經句是PETER 送給 「鸞」,或也有把這說話轉交PETER 及 「鸞」的意思,以回想神的愛,30年長久的恩情。



2 則留言:

  1. Dear Arthur,

    What a wonderful morning for today when I read your blog and find my message of blessings 30 years ago for my brother, Luen. This is all out of the grace and love of the merciful God who never lets us down and lives with us forever without change.

    First of all, I could not recall why I write this statement at that time.... Our memory could go and fade out, but the God never forget. His memory and remembrance in us lasts forever.... We tend to forget what we have, enjoy and experience but continue to ask and seek for new things which may not be important, essential and relevant in our life....

    We only focus and remember what we need and want. However, what we want may not necessarily be equivalent with what we need, especially in the wisdom and eyes of the God.

    30 years have passed away and “gone with the wind”. At that time, I was a young adult and graduated from Polytechnic for two years. My life experience is fairly limited as a freshly born Christian follower. I do not know Bible or God’s words too much. What I know about God is very superficial and shallow. However, I remember these simple words literally, not spiritually enough since I sang this little short hymn written by Rev John So many years ago ( http://www.ebaomonthly.com/ebao/readebao.php?eID=e02125 ). I sang this song while I was studying year 1 in a Christian primary school. I forget many things in my primary schooldays but this song always remains in my mind up till now. At one time, I try to find this song to sing again as it is a very encouraging and comfort hymn to sing and praise the forever love of the loving God with His unlimited grace, mercy and blessings....

    Right now, the same blessings happen to us and our family whatever we face, wherever we go and whichever we get in the unchanged and faithful promise of the God.

    Halleluiah. Shalom to our family and all of you around us.


  2. 30年是一個很長的時間,10年前的事我都記不起來,所以感謝神的提醒:除了神的慈愛外,亦有對衪的信心。

