
Crazy With Iphone (Phone Or 瘋) (PETER'S SHARING)

My good friend advises me the following:
We better not using iPhone while the phone is being charged or connected to power supply.    Please pass on this news to your loved ones.

澳洲女子用iPhone觸電送院 英國《每日郵報》


在本月中,一名23歲中國空姐在新疆家中使用iPhone 5時觸電身亡,當時其電話正在充電。

Therefore, I forward the message and tell my good friends:
Nowadays, it is no fun to play with iphone anymore. It would be a serious matter about life or end of life due to unexpected electric shock.
Please keep watch in use of iphone. What about we use phone of other brands? Would the same thing happen to us?
Is is a warning or just a joke...
I do not know, but to play safe, I just pass it on for good.....
The good thing for me is I use a very old mobile phone, which is antique model now, nokia Xpress music 5800 more than 4 years old...

Then, my friend responds:
I still use my antique mobile phone which is about 10 years old.
However, the use of smartphone is unavoidable. The function of my smartphone is a computer, a camera, a radio, a book, a clock, a planner more than a phone.
The usefulness and mult-function of the smartphone make itself undividable with the usual life.

As individual integrating with group or society is a must, we need to adapt ourselves to new technology and society.
As I remember when I use your mobile phone in 1990, a strange feeling came out as to use a movable phone talking in the open area.
I still afraid the radiation rather than the explosion or getting an electric shock.
But be courage.
Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.

Therefore, from the above, the conclusion is:
We cannot get rid of iphone or mobile phone. The phone is still with us and lives with us. The risk is there. But, we stay with it though we mention, remind and warn about it very often.

The God also tell us, the risk of death is here. But, the people stay with it though we mention, remind and warn about it very often. From the Bible of His words, only the living God can save our life from the final and terminal ending…..

以上是Peter的sharing. 當生命危在旦夕時, 人才會想到"救恩" 但對救恩的想法, 每每也不一. 人極之飢餓時, 一碗紅豆湯也成了他的"救恩". 但我們所說的是耶穌基督的救恩.

來源: https://sites.google.com/site/godtellyou/joke-learning/crazy-with-iphone

